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How to Save for a House Down Payment

Saving for a down payment on a house is one of the most difficult things to do for a first-time home buyer.  In addition to the sheer financial difficulty of saving for a down payment on a house, there is also the question from home buyers regarding how much they need...

Casa Grande Real Estate Market Remains Strong

The Casa Grande Real Estate market continues to remain strong into the fall but we do see that the market may be slowing down ever so slightly.  This is typical for real estate markets in the fall and normally it is seasonal and lasts through the holidays and through...

How to Get Rid of PMI?

When you buy a home and you put less than 20% down, the home buyer must have what’s called private mortgage insurance (PMI) on a Conventional loan.  This is a requirement on mortgage loans that have less than a 20% down payment and this is something your...

How to Know When to Refinance a Mortgage?

There is no best time to refinance a mortgage but you will know when that time is good for you based on your own circumstances.  The best time to refinance a mortgage is when there is a financial need that arises and the amount needed is large enough to warrant a...