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How to Improve Your Credit Score in 30 Days?

This is a question I get asked often as a loan officer since credit is such a large part of the home buying process.  Having a good credit score when making a large financial purchase whether it be a home or a car or anything of significant value for that matter makes...

What is a Credit Score?

A consumers credit score is one of the most important items of consideration a lender will evaluate when reviewing a loan application.  Building a good credit score and maintaining that credit score is one of the most important things a consumer can do to create a...

5 Things Everyone Should Know About Their Credit Score

If you thought grades ended when your school career ended you might want to think again.  A consumer’s credit score can be thought of as a grade that rates each of us on our creditworthiness and a little bit about our financial health.  Maintaining a good credit score...

What Credit Score is Used for a Mortgage?

The two most well known companies in the credit scoring world use different scoring models to arrive at your credit score When applying for credit of any kind our credit score is one of the most important factors that is considered in any lending decision.  For this...

How to Buy a Car and Never Take on a Car Payment

As a loan officer I see all too often a client that is a solid candidate to buy a home, except for one thing, a large car payment.  With cars becoming more complex due to on-board computers and sophisticated electronics on most new vehicles, car buyers need to find...

How to Establish Good Credit as a Young Adult

It can be quite a challenge to establish credit as a young adult if you go in to the process without a plan.  There really isn’t an established playbook on how to establish good credit since there are many ways to accomplish this objective.  But even if you begin the...