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Today is “launch day” on our blog and if you are reading this then we want to say thank you very much for stopping by our blog grand opening.  This open letter marks our initial Blog post and an introduction to what The Home Buying Hub is all about.  If you made it here today or you are reading this letter at some point after our Blog launch day, then we hope you will come back often to check out our latest content and informative articles.  Read on to learn about what we plan to share, how we plan to educate, and what we hope you will gain by reading our content.

The Home Buying Hub is being launched by me and my name is Stephen Khan.  I am a Mortgage Loan Officer and I have been in the finance and real estate industry for many years.  Before I became a loan officer, I was a real estate investor and I owned several rental properties in the Phoenix area.  As a real estate investor, I enjoyed the investment side of things enough that I decided to become a loan officer.  I felt I had good experience with the home buying process having purchased several properties up to that point, and there was a real need to help others learn more about the home buying process so they could qualify to buy a home.

That evolution now has led me to pursue one of my other passions which is writing.  Now I can continue to work with clients in Phoenix to assist them in their home buying efforts.  In addition, I can also expand my reach across the country to share my knowledge via the internet and this website, social media, and who knows what other avenues I might decide to dabble in.

On the Home Buying Hub website, I plan to share articles in the beginning primarily about Credit, which is so important when buying a home.  I will write often about building and improving one’s credit, as well as the home buying process, down payment strategies, and everything about buying a home.  For both Credit and Home Buying there are so many avenues to talk about I think I could write forever and still not touch upon everything that is involved in either endeavor.  So, I hope to write and inform about the topics within these areas that interest you.  And if you have a particular topic that you would like to learn more about, please feel free to reach out anytime to let me know more about what you are thinking and I will see if I am knowledgeable enough about your topic to share an article about it.

By sharing my knowledge with my readers I hope you will learn the ins and outs of Credit and the Home Buying process to the point that you are prepared when you are ready to begin the home buying journey.  Buying a home can take quite a bit of time when you break the process down in to stages and you consider how long each stage will take.  For some, there may be a little credit improvement work to be done and this can take quite a bit of time depending on the number of items that need to be addressed.  Next, getting pre-qualified for a mortgage can take time and that will depend on how financially organized you are.  When you are ready to start house shopping finding a home can also take quite a bit of time depending on where the market is in terms of inventory, buyer or seller market, mortgage interest rates, and other market factors.

As I said earlier, one of my passions is to write and share the knowledge that I have learned being involved in various areas of real estate for many, many years.  I am very fortunate to be able to say that real estate has been one of my best investments over the long term which is why I want to share how you can do the same with your investment portfolio.  But I am not ashamed to say that I also made mistakes in real estate that I learned from along the way.  I learned equally as much from the good real estate decisions I made as I did from the not so good real estate decisions that I made and I am thankful for all of those experiences.  Now I want to share that knowledge with my readers and I want to say it again, thank you for visiting The Home Buying Hub Blog and I hope you come back often and you learn a lot on each visit.