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The 2022 HBH Phoenix Real Estate Housing Market Forecast

The Phoenix real estate market soared to historic heights in 2021, but while 2022 is expected to remain strong, the local real estate market will show signs of cooling next year.  The Phoenix real estate market was up in several common metrics and defied almost all...

Is it a Good Time to Buy a House?

With the Phoenix real estate market appreciating at historic levels seemingly every month, many potential homebuyers are asking themselves is it a good time to buy a house.  There are many factors to consider whenever you are buying a home but the over-heated real...

How to Recognize When to Refinance to 15 Year Mortgage?

If there is one sure-fire way to reduce the total interest paid on a mortgage, that route is to shorten your mortgage term from a 30-year mortgage down to a 15-year mortgage.  But shortening your mortgage term is only one reason to refinance your mortgage from a...

What are the Best High Schools in Arizona?

The Charter school movement is really gaining ground in Arizona and many parents are embracing the educational offerings that charter schools have available.  So much so that several charter schools have wait lists for their most popular schools which is making it...