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How to Improve Your Credit Score in 30 Days?

This is a question I get asked often as a loan officer since credit is such a large part of the home buying process.  Having a good credit score when making a large financial purchase whether it be a home or a car or anything of significant value for that matter makes...

Down Payment Assistance Programs: A Complete Guide

There are plenty of down payment assistance programs available for home buyers and these programs are a great option for those that qualify.  Down payment assistance programs can be either government funded programs or privately funded programs and they generally are...

Who are the Largest Employers in Arizona?

With Arizona being one of the highest net in-migration cities in the U.S. in the past year, finding a job when one arrives at their destination or even before is priority number one.  But sometimes it is hard to find the major employers in a city when you are sitting...

How to Save for a House Down Payment

Saving for a down payment on a house is one of the most difficult things to do for a first-time home buyer.  In addition to the sheer financial difficulty of saving for a down payment on a house, there is also the question from home buyers regarding how much they need...

Casa Grande Real Estate Market Remains Strong

The Casa Grande Real Estate market continues to remain strong into the fall but we do see that the market may be slowing down ever so slightly.  This is typical for real estate markets in the fall and normally it is seasonal and lasts through the holidays and through...